Founder statement
Gopi N, is a founder and decision maker of swavalambana angavikalara seva charitable trust, he was normal person until 2015 was not a blind, Since 2015 he become blind. Later he the same personality like blinds he came across blind persons in his life and understood lives of them and became obsessed to help them who are in the need of the light for the long journey and started Swavalambana trust to pledge and taken oath on those who are in lost trust on their life started searching to gather lost souls in the darkness from all over the environment. He started his life with soulmate Nagarathna who also a complete blind by birth. On a day of 10 June 2019 both as blessed with daughter Bhramini.
#212, 3rd Main, 2nd Cross, Jnanabharathi Layout, Maramma Temple Road, Behind Church Busstop, Kengeri Satellite Town, Bangalore - 560060, Karnataka
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